неділя, 29 листопада 2015 р.

WHAT IS LOVE? (вечір до дня закоханих)

Сцена прикрашена двома великими серцями і написом "What is love?".
Навколо сердець вислови про ко­хання, написані у менших серцях.
То love deep means to forget about yourself;
Love conquers all; 
Love means giving a part of your­self. 
Finding yourself and someone else.
Love is like flowers — it needs the sun and rain.
На сцені чотири пари стоять спи­ною одна до одної. У руках трима­ють по половині сердець. Звучить інструментальна романтична му­зика.
Pupil 1. It seems there is nothing simpler than love and at the same time there is nothing more complicated than love. Everybody feels love to an­other person but it is hard to explain what love is. Try to say what the feeling means and you will see that the words are poor and cover only a part of the whole. Life is full of love but not every­body can see that. We love our parents and relatives, friends and pets; we love our homes and our Motherland Ukraine. But there are different kinds of love.
The most mysterious feeling is love be­tween a man and a woman. There is an old legend about it.
God 1. Have you met those strong people? They could do everything and they are very happy.
God 2. Oh, yes. They are so strong and wise. You see, even stronger and wiser than we are.
God 1. We should do something with it. Nobody can be stronger, wiser and happier than we are.
God 2. But what can we do?
God 1. Let's think. We are clever and inventive. We shall find the way out. We must win them.
God 2. Perhaps...
God 1. No, no. Oh, I've got an idea. What about dividing each person into two parts?
God 2. And let's make them a man and a woman.
God 1. And mix them on the earth. They should try to find the lost half. Ha-ha-ha.
Боги розділяють пари. Кожний з пари шукає свою половинку.
God 2. But if they do it?
God 1. Let's praise them. Those who find each other, fall in love and will be­come as strong as we are.
Співпадає лише одна пара.
Pupil 1. A nice legend isn't it?
Pupil 2. A legend is a legend but love really makes wonders. Great love makes lovers better and kinder. And the world around them becomes lighter, brighter and kinder. It inspires poets and musi­cians to create their immortal works.
Гасне світло. На сцену з двох боків виходять по одному хлопцю із запаленою свічкою. Виходить дівчина зі свічкою і виконує пісню "From Sarah with love".
For so many years we were friends
And yes I always knew that we could do
But so many tears in the rain
Fell the night you said
That love had come to you
1 thought you were not my kind
1 thought that I could never feel for you
The passion and love you were feeling
And so you left
For someone new
And now that you're far and away
I'm sending a letter today...
From Sarah with love
She'd got a lover she is dreaming of
She never found the words to say,
But I know that today
She's gonna send a letter to you
From Sarah with love.
She took your picture to the stars above
And they told her it was true
She could dare to fall in love with you
So don't make her blue when she writes to you.
From Sarah with love.
So may be the chance for romance
Is like a train to catch before it's gone
And I'll keep on waiting and dreaming
You're strong enough to understand
As long you're so far away
I'm sending a letter each day...
Refrain: the same
From Sarah with love
She'd got a lover she is dreaming of
She never found the words to say,
But I know that today
She's gonna send a letter to you
From Sarah with love
She's gotta know what you're thinking of,
'Cause every little now and then
And again and again
I know her hear: cries out for you
From Sarah with love
She'd get a lover she is dreaming of
Never found the words to say...
From Sarah with love
She took your picture to the stars above
And they told her it was true
She could dare to fall in love with you
So don't make her blue
When she writes to you.
From Sarah with love
So don't make me blue when I write to you From Sarah with love!
P3. Such a tender song. But love always had two sides. A happy and a sad one.
P4. What do you mean?
P3. Do you know why we celebrate the day of love and lovers on the 14th of February?
P4. I've heard something about it. But don't remember exactly. It is connected with Valentine, isn't it?
P3. Right you are. But let's go to Rome, to the times of the Emperor Claudius.
Claudius. Take this priest and put him to the prison. He has broken my order.
Soldier. Which order, my emperor?
Claudius. He blessed the marriage of soldiers. And I have forbidden this.
Soldier. But why, my emperor?
Claudius. A married soldier thinks about his life and wife, about the family. He doesn't think about the glory and he is afraid of death. This isn't a real sol­dier.
Soldier. And what will you do with the priest?
Claudius. He will be burnt on the fire.
Солдат відводить священика до в'язниці. З'являється дочка наглядача тюрми з тацею.

A g i r l. Have some bread and wine?
V a 1 e n t і n e. Who are you, my dear j daughter?
A g і r l. I'm a daughter of the warder. ] What do you look like?
V a 1 e n t і n e. Why do you ask me about it?
A g і r I. I'm blind. And can see nothing.
V a 1 e n t і n e. Believe in God. He will help you to see. If not with the eyes but with your kind heart. Love will help you.
Дівчина йде.
Soldier. Time to go to the square.
V a 1 e n t і n e. I'm ready. But be so kind to give my note to the warder's daughter.
S о I d і e r. But she is blind. She can't read.
V a 1 e n t і n e. Don't worry. She will do it with the help of her heart.
Валентина забирають зі сцени.
S о 1 d і е r (to the girl). Here is a note for you.
A g і r 1. I love you so much. Be happy, don't cry. Your Valentine. Oh, I can see. Or, my dear...
S o l d i e r (падає на коліна). A miracle. A blind can see. Oh, Saint Valentine.
P3. Such a sad and wonderful story. Now I see why it is called Saint Valentine's Day.
P4. But it is not the only Valentine who worried about lovers. The musicians tried to express love in their operas, songs, dances. Let's see the love story in the dance.
Виконується вальс.
P3. I hope everyone knows immortal names of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Let's see the abstract from this drama.
На сцені напівтемрява. Горять кілька свічок. Звучить тиха сентиментальна музика.


ROMEO: It’s Juliet! Oh! It’s my love! She’s speaking. But she isn’t speaking to me. She’s looking up at the stars in heaven, they would be so bright that it was day, and start to sing.
JULIET: Oh, Romeo, Romeo, why are you, Romeo? Change your name, or if you can’t, I’ll no longer be a Capulet. It’s only your name that is my enemy. But what does a name matter? If a rose had any other name, it would smell as sweet.
ROMEO: Call me “Love”. Let that be my name, and from now I’ll never be called Romeo. I hate my name because it is an enemy to you.
JULIET: How did you come here? The walls are high.
ROMEO: Stone walls can’t keep love out.
JULIET: If any of my family sees you here, they will kill you.
ROMEO: If their hatred ended my life, that would be better than for me to go on living without your love.
JULIET: Do you love me? I know that you say “Yes”, but even if you swear it, you may still be untrue.
ROMEO: Lady, I swear by the moon that touches with silver the tops of those fruit trees.
JULIET: Oh! Don’t swear by the moon. It changes every month. Your love might be so changeable.
ROMEO: What shall I swear by?
 JULIET: Don’t swear at all. (Pause) I hear a noise. Sweet love, good-bye. (Pause) Dear Romeo! If you truly wish to marry me, send me a message tomorrow. I’ll send someone who will bring me your message. Tell me where and at what time you will marry me. And I will lay all that I have at your feet, and follow you, my lord, through all the world, Romeo!
ROMEO: My sweet?
JULIET: At what time tomorrow shall I send to you?
ROMEO: At nine o’clock.
JULIET: My messenger will be there. It’s almost morning, I must let you go. Good night! Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I won’t stop saying “Good night” until tomorrow.
ROMEO: Sleep rest on your eyes, peace in you breast.

Звучить музика, на сцену виходять три хлопці й виносять стільці. Вони стають за стільцям. Потім виходять три дівчини і сідають на стільці.
PI. Shakespeare is also known by his sonnets which were and are translated into all world languages.

My mistress eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask's, red and white,
But no such roses see in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant 1 never saw a goddess go;
My mistress when she walks treads on the ground;
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
Кохані очі — не перлині ніжні,
Нема вишневої пожежі на вустах,
І не біліші груди за вершини сніжні;
І не із шовку в милої коса проста.
Відтінки щік її прекрасних,
я зізнаюсь, — То не рум'янець яблук у саду;
Щодня в тілесних пахощах купаюсь —
У них бузкових ароматів не знайду.
Хоч мова милої на диво мелодійна,
Далеко це не трелі солов'я.
Як люди, ходить по землі вона спокійно,
І янгола у ній не бачу я.
Однак красуні ті, яким співають оди,
Не мають навіть тіні її вроди.

Then hate me when thou wilt, if ever, now;
Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross,
Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow,
And do not drop in for in after-loss.
Ah, do not, when my heart hath 'scaped this sorrow.
Come in the rearward of a conquered woe;
Give not a windy night a rainy morrow,
To linger out of purposed overthrow,
If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last.
When other petty griefs have done their spite,
But in the onset come, so shall I taste
At first the very worst of fortune's might;
And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,
Compared with loss of three will not seem so.
Якщо помре любов, то краще нині,
Коли в земному пеклі серце тліє;
Прогіркла доля запахом полині.
Віднині хай любов мене не гріє.
Якщо життя із горем не піде на дно,
Не спалюй обнадійливі вітрила,
Щоб після ночі вітром не розбив вікно
Ранковий дощ на безнадії крилах.
Якщо покинеш, краще зараз,на світанку.
Щоб ще не з'їли серце вічні болі,
Щоб випить чашу найгіркішу без останку
Із найгіркіших, які має доля.
Щоб зрозуміть, що всі ці болі —тінь біди.
Біда — з тобою розлучитись назавжди.
Уж если ты разлюбишь — так теперь,
Теперь, когда весь мир со мной в раздоре.
Будь самой горькой из моих потерь,
Но только не последней каплей горя.
И если скорбь дано мне превозмочь,
Не наноси удара из засады.
Пусть бурная не разрешится ночь
Дождливым утром — утром без отрады.
Оставь меня, но не в последний миг,
Когда от мелких бед я ослабею.
Оставь сейчас, чтоб сразу я постиг,
Что это горе всех невзгод больнее.
Что нет невзгод, а есть одна беда —
Твоей любви лишиться навсегда.

Take all my love, my love, yea, take them all
What hast thou then more then thou hadst before?
No love, my love, that thou mayst true love call,
All mine was thine before thou hadst this more.
Then if for my love thou my love receivest,
I cannot blame thee for my love thou usest;
But yet be blamed, if thou thyself deceives
By willful taste if what thyself refusest.
I go forgive thy robbery, gentle thief
Although thou steal thee all my poverty;
And yet, love knows, it is a greatest grief
To bear love's wrong than hate's known injury
Lascivious grace, in whom all ill well shows,
Kill me with spites; yet we must not be foes.

PI. You see, we can say a lot about love. But to love deep-it means to forget about itself, said Russo. But our dancers can show it in their love dance.
Виконується танго.
P2. When you love someone, you respond emotionally to that person's needs. You help each other so that your lives are better when you are together than when you are apart. So we wish great love and sing with us.
Звучить пісня "Love me tender".
Love me tender,
Love me true,
All my dreams fulfill.
For, my darling,
I love you,
And I always will.
Love me tender,
Love me dear,
Tell me, you are mine,
I'll be yours through all the years
Till the end of time.

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