неділя, 29 листопада 2015 р.

The USA (Сценарій КВК з теми «Сполучені Штати Америки»)

PI. Dear friends, today we are having the Eng­lish party. It will be a competition between the pupils of the 9-th and the 10-th forms.
P2. The topic of our competition is "The United States of America".
PI. The first task is called "Let's get acquaint­ed". So, let's invite the team of the 9-th formers. We'll get acquainted with them.
(Привітання команди 9 класу)
P2. Now it is the turn of the team of the 10-th form to introduce themselves. Let's invite them.
(Привітання команди 10 класу)
PI. You have read many texts in your books, had a lot of additional information about America, about its cities, main holidays, nature sights, and famous people.
P2. Now your task is to answer to my questions very quickly. This kind of competition is called "Warming-up". For each correct answer you will get a point.
1. What is the territory of the USA?
(9,363,000sq. km)
2.    What is the population of the USA? (Over 280 mln)
3.    What is the capital city of the USA? (Washington D.C.)
4.    What is the main language there? (English)
5.    What is the largest city? (New York)
6.    What is the largest and oldest national park? (Yellowstone National Park)
7.    What are the longest rivers? (Mississippi, Missouri, Red Rock)
8.    What is the highest mountain? (Mount McKinley, Alaska)
PI. Well done. While our jury is counting the re­sults, we come to another item of the competi­tion. It is called "The Wisest Pupil". Your task is to give British variant of the American English.
Movies (cinema)
       Elevator (lift)
       Automobile (car) Fall (autumn) Ice-box (refrigerator)
       Apartment (flat) Test (exam) Candy (sweet) Mail (post)
PI. The next item of the competition is called "The Best Reciter". Each team has prepared a poem. So, let's listen to them and see who is
the best in reciting poems.
(Команди no черзі декламують вірші.)
PI. We like tongue-twisters very much. Now we'll have a competition called quicker "The Chatterbox". The team, members of which will read the tongue-twisters more quickly and correctly, wins. (Запрошуються no одному пред­ставнику від команди, їм дається по ЗО секунд на підготовку, вони по черзі зачитують скоро­мовки.)
1. Hector Protector was dressed all in green;
Hector Protector was sent to the Queen.
The Queen did not like him,
No more did the King;
So Hector Protector was sent back again.
2. She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.
The shells she sells are sea-shells, I am sure.
3.  Cob is Dob's dog, Tob is Mob's dog.
4.    If you, Sandy, have two candies Give one candy to Andy, Sandy. If you, Andy, have two candies Give one candy to Sandy, Andy.
PI. You sec, we have good chatterboxes in our school. But let's continue our competition. The next item of the competition is a musical one. Each team has prepared a song. We'll invite the team of the 9-th form to perform their song.
(Учні 9класу виконують пісню.)
Р2: Now it is the turn for the pupils of the 10-th form to perform their song.
(Учні 10класу виконують пісню.)
PI. You see I have a barrel. And our next com­petition is called "The difficult questions from the barrel". Each team one by one will get a question from the barrel. You'll get a point for each correct answer.
1.    What are the highest mountains in the USA? (Cordillera, Appalachian Mountains)
2.    What is the largest state in the USA? (Alaska)
3.    What is the largest city in the USA? (New York)
4.    Name the Great Lakes (Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario, Superior)
5.    On what river is the capital of the USA situa­ted? (The Potomac River)
6.    Where is Hollywood situated? (Not far from Los Angeles)

7.   What  is Detroit famous for? (For its automobile industry) (S.   What are the main political parties in the
USA?  (The Democratic  Party and the
Republican Party)
9.         A famous American author wrote a book about a dog. Who is the. author? What is the name of the dog? (Jack London "White Fang")
10.      What are the famous universities in the USA? (Pennsylvania, Princeton, Columbia, Harvard, Yale)
11.      What is the name of the US flag? (Stars and Stripes)
12.      When do Americans celebrate Independence Day? (June, 4)
13.      When do Americans celebrate Flag Day? (June, 14)
14.      What is the national motto of the USA? (In God we trust)
15.      What is the smallest state of the USA? (Rhode Island)
16.      Which country presented the United States with the Statue of Liberty? (France)
17.      In which city and state is Disneyland located? (Orlando, Florida)
18.      What is the nickname of the USA government? (Uncle Sam)
19.      Who was the first president of the USA? (George Washington)
20.      Who is the president of the USA now? (George W. Bush)
21.      How many states are there in the USA now? (50 states)
22.      How many states were there in the USA in 1776? (13 states) 
P2.  Now your task is to translate the English proverbs into your mother tongue. This kind of the competition is called "The Best Translator" 
  • When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 
  • Look before you leap
  • Out of sight out of mind.
  • As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. To make a mountain out of a molehill. East or West — home is best.
(Учням роздаються картки з прислів'ями. Час — 3 хвилини.)
PI. The teams have prepared a question for each other. We called this kind of the competition "The Bridges of Questions". Each team will-get a point for the correct answer.
(Учні no черзі ставлять запитання команді-суперниці. І бал за правильну відповідь.)
Р2: Now you'll get the cards with anagrams. Your task is to decode the anagrams. The team who will be the first and do it correctly wins the competition and gets 2 points.
(Учням роздаються картки з анаграмами, час — І хвилина.)
          MERNOVGENT (government)
          MCRAEIA (America)
PI. The last item of the competition is called "The Best Speaker". You'll get a card with the theme, be ready to take the floor with this theme in 30 seconds.
1.         The American Flag.
2.         The Geographical Position of the USA.
3.         The Economy of the USA.
4.         The Political Structure of the USA.
5.         The National Holidays in the USA.
6.         The American Food.
7.         The American Character.
PI. Let's ask the jury to announce the results of the competition and we'll sec who the winner is.
(Журі оголошує результати змагань.)

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