Pupil 1:
Welcome to our world
Come in and close the door
Welcome boys and girls
There's lots of fun store
Pupil 2:
Meet our friends and join
the fun
Say hello to everyone!
Sing our songs and be our
Welcome, be the best!
Pupil 3:Today we are going to have a little party. It
will be dedicated to the book characters.
Pupil 4:People all over the world are fond of
reading. Most of them read for pleasure or in order to get some information.
Reading is very important in our life. Books teach us many useful things and
can help in difficult situations. There are different kinds of books, stories,
poems, fairy-tales... Everyone chooses a book to his / her own taste.
Pupil 1:
Books are full of many
That I would like to know.
Book are full of greatest
That lived long, long ago.
Books are full of countries
That I would like to be.
Books are full of people
That I would like to see.
Pupil 2:
Books are full of children
That I would like to meet.
Book are full of sweet
That I would like to eat.
Books are full of mountains
That can be high or low
Books are full of flowers
That I would like to grow
Pupil 4:
Books are full of journeys
That I would like to take
Books are full of nice
That 1 would like to make.
Books arc full of good
That I would like to sing.
Books are full of green
That blossom every spring.
Pupil 3:
Books are full of animals
That I would like to pet
Books are full of weather,
Both sunny days and wet
Pupil 1:
Books are full of many
That I would like to play
Books are our best friends
As people often say.
Pupil 2:Our favourite books are fairy-tales and now you will see one of them.
The ant: Hello, everybody! 1 am
a very nice ant. I live in this forest. Now I'll tell you a fine fairy-tale.
Listen, please.
The grandfather went to the forest and lost his mitten. The mouse saw it
The mouse: Here I'll live!
The ant: And soon
the frog jumps and asks.
The frog: Who lives in
this mitten?
The mouse: 1 do. I am a Mouse, and who are you?
The frog: I am a Frog. May
I live with you?
The mouse: Yes, you may!
Come in, please!
The ant: And soon the hare runs and
The hare: Who
lives in this mitten?
The mouse: We live here! I
arn a Mouse.
The frog: 1 am a Frog. And
who are you?
The hare: I am a Hare. May
I live with you?
The mouse: Yes, you may.
Let's live together.
The ant: And soon the fox runs to the
mitten and asks.
The fox: Who, who lives in this
The mouse: I am a Mouse.
The frog: I am a Frog.
The hare: I am a Hare. And
who are you?
The fox: 1 am a Fox. May I live with
The hare: Yes, you may.
Come in, please.
The ant: They started to live
together. And soon the wolf goes and says.
The wolf: Who, who lives
in this mitten?
The mouse: I am a Mouse.
The frog: I am a Frog.
The hare: 1 am a Hare.
The fox: I am a Fox. And who are you?
The wolf: I am a Wolf. May
I live with you?
fox: Yes, you may. Climb
into our mitten!
Then the wild pig runs and asks.
wild pig: Who,
who lives in this mitten?
mouse: I am a Mouse.
frog: I am a Frog.
hare: I
am a Hare.
fox: Iam a Fox.
wolf: I am a Wolf. And who
are you?
wild pig: I
am a Wild Pig. May Ilive with you?
Alltogether: Okey. Let's go!
ant: And soon a bear goes
very slowly, sees the mitten and says.
The bear: Who, who lives in this mitten?
mouse: I am a Mouse.
frog: I am a Frog.
hare: Iam a Hare.
fox: Iam a Fox.
wolf: 1 am a Wolf.
The wild pig: Iam a Wild Pig. Arid who are you? The bear: And Iam
a Bear. May Ilive with you?
Thefox: We
don't have any place in the mitten! But okey, let's live together.
The ant: Suddenly, the grandfather began to look for
his mitten and the dog ran, saw it and said "Bark-Bark!" and all the
animals were afraid of him and ran away. The grandfather took the mitten and
went home, and all the animals stayed to live in the forest.
Pupil 1:And now we want to show you another fairy-tale. It’s called “Cinderella”
Pupil 4:Cinderella lives with two horrible sisters and their
mother. They are very lazy and ugly.
Sister 1:Cinderella,
bring me a tea!
Sister 2:Cinderella,
clean my place!
Pupil 3:Poor Cinderella! From morning till night she cleans
and cooks and washes. She is very sad.
Cinderella:Oh, this is
terrible. All to do is clean, clean and clean!
Pupil 1:One morning, at 10 o'clock a letter arrives.
Pupil 2:Come to the ball! Where? To the castle.When? 14th July
at 8 p. m. Dress?Beautiful clothes.
Sister 1:Excellent!
Sister 2:St. Let's go!
Pupil 4:Cinderella is very, very sad.
Cinderella:I want to go to
the ball, too, but I have no dress and shoes to wear. (She cries and cries.)
Pupil 3:Then at 9 p. m. on the night of the ball.
Cinderella:Wow! Who are
Godmother:I'm your fairy godmother; I'm here to help you!
(Cinderella has a beautiful dress and shoes on.)
Now go to the ball, but at midnight, no later, come home!
Court man 1:
In your golden pumpkin carriage
You will go to the ball.
You will dance
You will be happy.
You'll be best of all.
Court man 1:
You will dance with the prince,
You'll be happy and gay
But at midnight sharp
You will run away.
Song Pink – I
don’t believe you
(Cinderella comes to the ball. The prince sees Cinderella and comes to
Prince:Wow! She's
beautiful! Would you like to dance with me?
Pupil 1:They dance all the night. The ugly sisters don't know
it is Cinderella.
Sister 1:Who is she?
Sister 2:Who is that
beautiful girl? (Then Cinderella hears the clock.)
Cinderella:Oh, no, 12
o'clock. It's time to go!
(She runs quickly from the castle.)
Prince:Come back!
Please, don't go!
Song Hurts-Stay
Pupil 3:The prince is very sad.
Prince:Oh, no, where is
she? But... what is this? Ah, her beautiful little shoe. Now I will find her.
Pupil 1:The prince tries every foot at every house... but it
is no good! The shoe is too small.
Prince:Where is she?
Pupil 2:Cinderella comes from the kitchen. She tries the shoe
Prince: Yes! The shoe
is yours. You are the girl I met at the ball. Will you marry me?
Cinderella: Yes!
Pupil 3: They soon marry and they are very, very happy.
Teacher: Thank you, the ant, for such a nice tale. Thanks to all
our guests and actors, for a nice mood that you give it to us today! Good bye!
Я СЕЙЧАС ВЫПОЛНЯЮ ФИНАНСИОННО ИЗ-ЗА КРЕДИТА, ПОЛУЧЕННОГО МНЕ ОТ LFDS. Я хотел бы довести это до сведения общественности о том, как я связался с г-ном Бенджамином после того, как потерял работу и получил отказ в ссуде от банка и других лиц. финансовое учреждение из-за моего кредитного рейтинга. Я не мог платить за детей. Я задерживала оплату счетов, меня собирались выгнать из дома из-за моей неспособности платить за квартиру. Именно в этот период мои дети были забраны у меня приемными семьями. Затем я решил искать средства в Интернете, где я потерял 3670 долларов, которые я одолжил у друзей, которые меня украли две компании, занимающиеся онлайн-кредитованием. Пока я не прочитал о ссуде онлайн (247officedept@gmail.com) где-то в Интернете, я все еще не убедил меня из-за того, через что я прошел, пока мой родственник, который является священнослужителем, также не рассказал мне о текущей схеме ссуды в очень низкая процентная ставка 1.9 %% и прекрасные условия погашения без штрафа за просрочку платежа. У меня нет другого выбора, кроме как связаться с ними, что я и сделал через текст + 1-989-394-3740, и г-н Бенджамин ответил мне. получить кредитное уведомление о сумме кредита в размере 400 000 долларов США, на которую я подал заявку. Я эффективно использовал ссуду, чтобы выплатить долги и начать свой бизнес, и сегодня я и мои дети очень счастливы и довольны. Вы также можете связаться с ними по электронной почте: (247officedept@gmail.com) Горячая линия WhatsApptext: + 1-989-394-3740 Почему я это делаю? Я делаю это, чтобы спасти как можно больше нуждающихся в ссуде, чтобы не стать жертвой мошенничества в Интернете. Спасибо и благослови вас всех, я Александр Артем из БК Horizon Park, Украина.